BrettYoung prebuilt pasture blends are designed to satisfy most production requirements. Learn more about the blend components below.
Fleet Meadow Bromegrass Ultracoat
Key Features
Preferred Growing Conditions: Widely adapted; prefers well drained soils
- Excellent pasture variety
- Widely adapted
- Excellent regrowth
- Excellent winter hardiness
Environmental Tolerances
- Winter Hardiness: Good
- Drought Tolerance: Moderate to High
- Flooding Tolerance: Low
- Acidity Tolerance: Moderate
- Alkalinity Tolerance: Moderate
Cicer Milkvetch Ultracoat
Key Features
- Preferred Growing Conditions: Widely adapted. Creeps best in coarser textured soils
- Moderately tolerant to salinity
- Ideal pasture legume
- Bloat free legume
Environmental Tolerances
- Winter Hardiness: Very high
- Drought Tolerance: Moderate to High
- Flooding Tolerance: Low
- Acidity Tolerance: Low to Moderate
- Alkalinity Tolerance: Moderate
Cowgirl/Riding Brand Tall Fescue
Key Features
- Preferred Growing Conditions: Widely adapted; does best on moist heavy textured soils
- Excellent heat and drought tolerance
- Endophyte free
- Excellent seedling vigour
- Moderate winter hardiness
- Adapted to a variety of soil types
- Soft leaved
- Improved palatability
- Endophyte free
Boreal Creeping Red Fescue
Key Features
- Preferred Growing Conditions: Widely adapted; does best in high rainfall areas
- Does well on a wide range of soil types
- Is most productive under high moisture conditions
- Tolerates close grazing and survives drought
Environmental Tolerances
- Winter Hardiness: Excellent
- Drought Tolerance: Moderate to High
- Flooding Tolerance: Moderate
- Acidity Tolerance: Moderate to High
- Alkalinity Tolerance: Low to Moderate