BrettYoung prebuilt blends are designed to satisfy most production requirements. Learn more about the blend components below.
Boreal Creeping Red Fescue
Key features
- Preferred Growing Conditions: Widely adapted; does best in high rainfall areas
- Does well on a wide range of soil types
- Is most productive under high moisture conditions
- Tolerates close grazing and survives drought
Promesse Timothy
Key features
- Preferred Growing Conditions: Adapted to cool, moist areas; good tolerance to waterlogged soils
- Early maturity
- Superior resistance to lodging
- High yields
- Extremely leafy
Bigbang Annual Ryegrass
Key features
- Preferred Growing Conditions: Soil of medium to high fertility with adequate moisture
- Tetraploid type
- Very leafy bunchgrass
- Suitable for annual hay production in
- High moisture areas
Tirem Kentucky Bluegrass
Key features
- Preferred Growing Conditions: Does best on well drained highly productive soils
- Long-lived
- Highly palatable
- Tolerance to flooding and close grazing
- Qualified as a low water use variety
Hula White Clover
Key features
- Preferred Growing Conditions: Prefers heavier moist soils
- Low growing
- Tolerant to close mowing and grazing